Hilarious Video Captures Cats’ Infinite Power to Destroy the House

Hilarious Video Captures Cats' Infinite Power to Destroy the House
Hilarious Video Captures Cats’ Infinite Power to Destroy the House (Photo: Reproduction/Instagram)

The hilarious video showcasing how cats are experts at property destruction is making internet users burst into laughter!

+ Click here and watch the video

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Since it was shared a few days ago, the video has garnered over 860 thousand views, along with more than 27 thousand likes and numerous comments from internet users who found the scene amusing.

+ Click here and watch the video

“When adorable kittens turn into mischievous troublemakers… sometimes,” admitted an Instagram user. “Everything cats do makes sense, even if it doesn’t seem logical,” another commented. “They are masters at creating mess,” affirmed a third internet user.

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